Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Avery is Crawling!

Its been awhile since my last post, but I've been a busy Momma. I've been worried that Avery was behind since she wasn't crawling at 7, 8, 9 months. Then she hit 10 months, and 4 days after her 10 month b-day she took a few crawling moves. I was stoked! Now she'll be moving with all the other crawling babies at my Mom's group. I still brag about all the things she's been doing, and I try not to compare her triumphs to the other babes (who can't do what she does), and I swear I won't be a stage Mom....but she claps, waves, shimmies, dances, gives high-5, gives kisses, blows a kiss, and plays peek-a-boo. And just recently she's been trying to mimic the sounds of a crow, but it comes out sounding like a cat coughing up a fur-ball....its still cute (and a bit disturbing).
Anyway, here are a few pics. She'll be 11 months on the 28th, and now I'm planning her 1st b-day festivities. Geez, wasn't she just born yesterday?!!!


Ashley said...

She is gorgeous!!!!

Amanda said...

And she loves to shop too :)

Tiff said...

There is that cute girl!!

Miss you guys!!