Wednesday, September 3, 2008

OK, Not such great news....

The doctor has already called us back about the blood levels and Avery has a very high jaundice level at this time. High enough that they are sending a team as I write to setup lights and begin some in home treatment on her. Needless to say this has thrown both of us for a loop, Mon more so then I but still its a little scary being first time parents. Please keep your fingers crossed and prayers that the treatment will take care of this thing without further complications. We will update everyone one soon as we know more.


Amy said...

I am sorry the little one is not doing so good but I am sure everything will be fine. Geez I want to sleep all day under a tanning light .. one can dream. Thinking good thoughts. Luv ya

Unknown said...

Well she's already following in her father's footsteps - and look how great he turned out. It is a little scarey but the lights should do the trick - and we'll be praying - Oh this getting started stuff is for the birds and hard on the nerves!! Love you all, Mom

Unknown said...

You are all in my thoughts and prayers-Everything will be fine! Love, Joe

MMDirks said...

Thanks for the comments and prayers. things are looking better today and hopefully she'll be done with the treatment by this weekend.