Thursday, August 28, 2008

Avery's first movie

Thought all of you out there might like to hear and see Avery so here is her first online video leak.

Don't worry the end it just us freaking out as new parents. The learning curve is high right now, what can we say. Ah Freak Out!

Now if Mon can get some sleep we will be in business. So much fun to have Avery with us now!


Amanda said...

Ah, I miss all of you already. Thanks so much for letting me share in your magical day today. Can't wait to snuggle with Avery again soon. You know, I'm a bit cold and need my little radiator :) Love you guys!

Unknown said...

We just got back from eating lobster in honor of our Seattle grandbaby!! What wonderful pics and video we found on our return! She is just too cute!! You guys seem to be doing a great job for being new at all this! Sleep well - and we'll be anxious to see more tomorrow. Love to all, Mom and Bob

czelusta said...

Congrats, Josh and Monica! One of the proud grandparents (Guess which one???) shared the wonderful news with us tonight. We are so happy for all of you. The video is awesome and why would it be anything else with the two beautiful stars in it! Wish we lived know how I love babies! God bless you all and thanks for the super blog...modern technology...wonder what that will be like when Avery has her first baby??? Okay, I'll slow down. Just enjoy every minute!
Peggy and Larry

Tiff said...

I just laughed out loud at the end. I was expecting the camera to drop and for an immediate pass out!!

I love all the baby sounds!!

Nehalem98 said...

She's just beautiful. Nice job, mom (and dad, I guess!). I can't wait to see her but I'll wait until some of the hoopla dies down. Besides, I won't be kid-free until Tuesday. I'll keep checking the blog site to stay apprised of all exciting new developments. Congratulations again! XOXO, Anna